Sunday 24 March 2013

Comprehension Homework Assignment

Here are the details for the homework assignment where the students need to present to the class the meaning of a song.

Friday 22 March 2013


We are reading and writing poetry this term and the students have produced some lovely ones.
I want to share with you on such activity last week in which we read the following poem.


‘I am Mark-want-to-be-a-warrior, son of Dad-know-it-all.’
I bend to greet him.  He is eight years old.
We are naming ourselves, in a poetry workshop, in Maydena.
‘Whistling Tree Tops,’ I say, ‘daughter of Joan-anxious-face.
So very pleased to meet you.’

‘My dad drives a Pearce-Louis log truck,’ Want-to-be boasts,
‘the biggest!  And so will I when I grow up, and then
everybody'd better keep out of my way!’

‘Jenny-travel-a-lot,’ a small neat, dark-eyed girl informs me,
‘and I am the daughter of Annette-spicy-hot.’  We all get new

Then we make a ritual; speak the names we hate –
outgrown baby tags, old insults, unwanted appellations –
write these down on strips of paper, then scrunch them
and throw them onto a pretend-fire in the middle of the room.

‘These we have finished with,’ I say, ‘I’ll take them home
and burn them in the sacred gully,’ and I do,
one quiet, quiet bush evening, mosquito droned, magpie chortled,
in dappled sunlight, on a pyre of oyster-bay pine
and gum twigs.  The long-legged shadows dance

as Pigsy, Bub-bub, Spastic, Brown-Eye and the rest
become a pile of ashes.  I poke them with a bracken stalk
for signs of life but they are dead.
Let nothing be done to harm the children
is an old and sacred law.

Terry Whitebeach

After reading this, we wrote down names we'd been called and would rather forget, then the names we wanted to be known by/for.  We stood around our own 'pretend fire' and threw in the bad names.  I promised the children I would take them home and burn them.  Below is a photo to show the names we didn't like being burnt under my sacred orange tree.

Today was another Golden Time at school and again I am blessed to have such wonderful students who use their hard-earned free time to make me something.  Check out my fridge - its showcases the creativity of your children.

 Thanks for having such delightful children!  Have a great weekend.

Friday 15 March 2013

All Shapes and Sizes

This term we are looking at shapes (2D and 3D) and I want to share some photos of your very clever children.  They were given some popsticks and some bluetac and told to dazzle me and dazzle me they did.  Have a look and see if you're just as impressed as I am.

The students also did some amazing Science demonstrations of forces of nature (for homework).  A lot of work went into creating them and it is noticed and their hard work is very much appreciated.  Well done to those who showed us how these forces work: volcanoes, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, sandstorms, gravity and electricity.  You are wonderful!!!!

What an awesome class!!

Sunday 3 March 2013

Waste Audit

On Friday our team conducted a waste audit.  Basically this means we tipped half the school's rubbish on a tarp and sorted through it.  It was great fun!  Everyone got involved which was a delight to see.  There were equal amounts of 'Oh, gross!' and 'Wow, look at that!' in our dialogue whilst sorting.  All the students learned about how much we waste (not just as a school but as a society).  This is our starting point of becoming a sustainable class, school and hopefully one day, world.
We are also planning a trip to the Red Hill Waste Management Facility to see what happens to our waste after we throw it in the bin.  This too, will help us to understand what we need to do to look after the beautiful world God gave us.
A huge THANK YOU to Mrs Sears for her photography in capturing the event, and to Mr Wright for helping out.
Thank you Patrick from the Waste Wise team for showing us what to do!