Sunday 3 March 2013

Waste Audit

On Friday our team conducted a waste audit.  Basically this means we tipped half the school's rubbish on a tarp and sorted through it.  It was great fun!  Everyone got involved which was a delight to see.  There were equal amounts of 'Oh, gross!' and 'Wow, look at that!' in our dialogue whilst sorting.  All the students learned about how much we waste (not just as a school but as a society).  This is our starting point of becoming a sustainable class, school and hopefully one day, world.
We are also planning a trip to the Red Hill Waste Management Facility to see what happens to our waste after we throw it in the bin.  This too, will help us to understand what we need to do to look after the beautiful world God gave us.
A huge THANK YOU to Mrs Sears for her photography in capturing the event, and to Mr Wright for helping out.
Thank you Patrick from the Waste Wise team for showing us what to do!

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