Sunday 14 April 2013

Red Hill Excursion

Friday was our first excursion in year 4.  Even though it sprinkled the whole time, we made the most of our sketching and picnic lunch at Chapel Farm (thanks Chapel Farm!) and the tour of Red Hill Waste Management Facility (thanks Jenny!).

I was impressed by the talents of many students in sketching the small lake, animals and surrounding bushlands.  They had a challenge to sketch a view in 2 minutes and another in 5 minutes and did a great job.  Here is some photos.

We then headed to the Waste Facility and drove around, seeing just how much stuff we waste and throw out (some even that can be recycled!).  Did you know that humans are the only creature on Earth that produces waste?  No other animal and no plant does - just us!  It's a sobering thought.
After driving around the facility, we stopped at the Education Centre to do some activities and make some temporary art.

(above photo) Hopefully the next rubbish pit takes a lot longer to fill up!

We hope this can provide us with a conscience when it comes to reduce, reuse and recycle so that we can look after God's world.  After all, there is only one that is perfect for us.  So let's look after it!

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