Friday 31 May 2013

Great Golden Time

This week everyone got some 'Golden Time'!  That's a new record for us.  Many students finished every part and got the whole of free time while some others did a job or two and then joined in the fun.
What a proud teacher am I!!!

We went back to Kindy this Golden Time with play-doh, foam blocks and craft.  The students had fun making animals and even a special feast for me (I was very excited!!!).  Thank you for the pizza, sweets, cake and cup of tea - I am such a lucky teacher having such wonderful students.

Hopefully we can keep this good homework streak running!  It's good to remember that what you practise at home - strengthens your learning in school.

I sent home a scavenger hunt list to find some items we'll need for the following weeks.  Happy hunting!

Friday 24 May 2013


We watched a video on waste and what happens to it today.
Some things the children learned, we put on the board.

We are slowly learning to be more waste wise.

This week we had a mapping activity outside and the children were shown the sight of our future garden bed.  They were very excited.  Hopefully we'll start it towards the end of term.

Sunday 12 May 2013

It's all physics to me...

We had so much fun on our excursion to the city on Friday.  We started off at Scitech to get our hands on all the energy and forces information we've been learning in Science (and more).  Everyone had a great time pushing, pulling, lifting, throwing, flicking, spinning, pedaling, and much more.
The 'High Voltage Show' finished off our visit with more than one bang.  We were delighted with a machine that had 2000 volts of electricity (running through me!)  Plus seeing lightning bolts of electricity spark from Tesla coils.  We had some brave volunteers from the audience to demonstrate.

From Scitech we ventured into the city to the Cultural Centre where we had lunch.  Then it was an Art Gallery tour and a peek at the WA Museum.
Then it was home on the train again.  The Transperth Customer Service Team were magnificent!  They met us at every stop and helped us all get on and off as a group.  Thank you!
And thank you to all the wonderful parent helpers - we couldn't have done it without you!

The children had a great day and have already made suggestions for the next excursion (breathe Miss Brooks, breathe).