Friday 31 May 2013

Great Golden Time

This week everyone got some 'Golden Time'!  That's a new record for us.  Many students finished every part and got the whole of free time while some others did a job or two and then joined in the fun.
What a proud teacher am I!!!

We went back to Kindy this Golden Time with play-doh, foam blocks and craft.  The students had fun making animals and even a special feast for me (I was very excited!!!).  Thank you for the pizza, sweets, cake and cup of tea - I am such a lucky teacher having such wonderful students.

Hopefully we can keep this good homework streak running!  It's good to remember that what you practise at home - strengthens your learning in school.

I sent home a scavenger hunt list to find some items we'll need for the following weeks.  Happy hunting!

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